Top 6 Academic Clubs to Follow on Clubhouse

5 min readMar 10, 2021

The importance of debate and the need for a variety of viewpoints is widely acknowledged within the academic community. Indeed, in order to be able to have any grasp on a subject matter, it’s so important to understand all the ideas and theories that have come before, whether you agree with them or not.

Part radio, part zoom call, part networking app, Clubhouse, which is skyrocketing in popularity, enables individuals globally to engage in live discussions on a vast range of subject matters.

At Flowcite we believe Clubhouse is relevant to academics internationally, especially clubs that have an academic focus. However, we are also aware of how time-pressured academics can be. As a result, we’ve decided to put together a list of the best academic clubs on Clubhouse. From grant writing, to political trends, to mental health, these clubs discuss a range of subjects that are of particular import to the discipline of academia.

1. All Things Academia

All Things Academia — 11.6k members, 16.9k followers

All things Academia is one of the most popular academic clubs. It hosts a range of topics that are of great import to scholars, researchers, postdocs and graduate students. All things Academia, discusses ‘everything and anything’, from the practical to the theoretical, from the specific to the general, across all academic disciplines. Topics include: recent research breakthroughs; the academic job market; diversity and inclusion; and mental health. Recent discussions have included early-career researcher advice and the importance of life-long learning.

All things Academia is a safe space for debate, but also a place for connection and the development of new relationships, which could potentially lead to exciting future collaborations.

Mariya Vasileva (@mariyaivasileva), a recent PhD graduate from the University of Illinois, is the founder of the group. Maria specialises in machine learning and AI, however is interested in collaborating on a range of topics and disciplines.

2. PhDing Life

PhDing Life — 2.2k members, 883 followers

PhDing Life is a club dedicated to supporting individuals who are either completing a PhD or thinking about pursuing one. This club is open to academics across all disciplines. Discussions are hosted, offering practical and emotional support in order to help individuals excel in their field of study. PhDing Life also holds coworking sessions where academics can connect and share ideas.

Founder Rebecca Roberts(@enobong), is an International Development PhD candidate at Technische Universität Berlin. She specialises in: internal displacement, urbanization and migration in Sub-Saharan Africa.

3. Radical Research & Writing Support Group

Radical Research & Writing Support Group — 2.5k members, 1.2k followers

Radical Research & Writing Support Group offers a platform for predominantly left-wing individuals to discuss new work, generate new ideas through collaboration, and gain practical support. This group hosts discussions and reading groups about topics like colonialism, the effects of neo-capitalism and re-examinations of socialist theories. Texts are made available before discussions and participants are strongly recommended to read them before joining the talks. Theorists previously studied include: Franz Fanon, Donna Haraway and Edward Baptist. Future discussions include unpacking Angela Davis’ abolitionist text titled ‘Are Prisons Obsolete.’

In addition to reading groups, this club also holds virtual silent working sessions based on Pomodoro technique, involving 25 minutes of silent work followed by a 5 minute break.

Jaz Blackwell-Pal (@JasiBP), the founder, is a lecturer and PhD student at Birkbeck, University of London. Blackwell-Pal specialises in political theatre, specifically in relation to socialist theory.

4. Education Innovation

Education Innovation — 2.5k members, 38.4k followers

Education Innovation hosts discussions on many topics related to education. Themes covered during these talks include: latest educational research, trends in the edtech space and the importance of diversity. The group encourages networking and collaboration among members, inviting individuals to propose topics and become moderators. It also offers special discounts to education professionals.

Vriti Saraf (@VritiSaraf), the founder, is an educator and edtech founder. She has spent the last eleven years building schools internationally as well as coaching school leaders on best practices. Founder of K20 Educators, she is working towards dismantling global silos in education.

5. Doctoral Research Group

Doctoral Research Group — 672 members, 2.7k followers

Doctoral Research group is a resource offering support and guidance to individuals undertaking PhDs and EdDs. It offers a space to share ideas and tips on a range of topics to get the most out of your studies. It also offers career guidance to individuals who have completed their PhDs.

Taurean Branch (@EducatedAce), the founder of Doctoral Research Group, is an educator who received his PhD from Capella University. He is founder of Open Academy as well as hosting Open Jams, a podcast supporting teachers within the US educational system.

6. The Science Of Why

The Science Of Why — 97 members, 3.8k followers

The Science of Why is a platform specifically designed for scientists and individuals who are interested in science. Speakers from a range of disciplines including mathematics, astrophysics, chemistry and biology, explain fascinating topics in an easily digestible way. The purpose of this group is to unpick the reasons why phenomena occurs in the way it does. Listeners are encouraged to ask questions and engage in conversation, as well as put forward ideas for future discussions.

The founder, Jamie Wood (@JaimieClubHouse), is a researcher and CEO of Autonomic, a company which builds programs and technologies to enhance the satisfaction and potential of employees.

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